Friday Image No.53

EM5 Infrared camera, Olympus 12-40mm lens. 2 image stitch with post production processing in Photoshop, Alien Skin Exposure 7 and Nik Silver Efex.
EM5 Infrared camera, Olympus 12-40mm lens. 2 image stitch with post production processing in Photoshop, Alien Skin Exposure 7 and Nik Silver Efex.

As you may be able to tell, the new EM5 Infrared conversion I had done by ProTech has really taken hold of my enthusiasm. As the days start to draw out and the sun becomes harsher it’s perfect for Infrared. If your love is landscape photography and you find the summer months a frustration, one of the best investments you can make is to have a camera converted.

This is a ridge above Gordale Scar in Yorkshire, England. It’s a two image stitch and the EM5 has performed wonderfully.

Have a great weekend everyone.

5 thoughts on “Friday Image No.53

  1. I couldn’t agree with your more Robin.

    IR photography makes even a seemingly dull day very interesting.

    Protech have turned my E-P5 around in less than a week. It arrives tomorrow and I’ll let you know how I get on.

    Spoke to Jo and Kelvin and they were absolutely terrific.

    I’ll be very happy if one are half as good as your examples.

    Ever thought of running an IR workshop? I’m up for it!

  2. It appears you like to process your IR photos to reflect IR film with emphasis on strong contrast and grain. I agree that IR offers a splendid alternative to the wrong time of the day to shoot, i.e., noon with a high sun in the sky. To me, one of the most important “rules” of IR shooting is to make sure you include a significant amount of rock, metal, water, or wood in your pictures as infrared foliage becomes dominated and redundant to the viewer.

    1. I do indeeed like to process my images with the old IR film in mind. Thank you for noticing. I agree with your comments. The subject matter needs to be somethng that has an interesting response to IR light otherwise the image just looks flat.

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